

On 15 May (full day) several parallel, interactive workshops will be organized by representatives from HPT TCP. These will include presentations, discussions and ideation. The ambition is to join representatives from different stakeholders in these workshops to exchange perspectives, experience and knowledge. The topics (tbc) of these workshops will be the following:

  • WS 1.1 Advanced Cooling and Refrigeration technology development (09.00-12.00) – Reinhard Radermacher, USA, HPT Annex 53
  • WS 1.2 Flexibility in energy grids provided by heat pumps (13.00-15.00) – Svend Pedersen, Denmark, HPT Annex 57
  • WS 1.3 Comfort and Climate Box (15.15-16.45) – Peter Wagener/Tom van Aalten, the Netherlands, HPT Annex 55

WS 2.1 Decarbonizing process heating with High-Temperature Heat Pumps: How to exploit the potential (09.00-12.00) – Benjamin Zühlsdorf, Denmark, HPT Annex 58



WS 1.1 Advanced Cooling and Refrigeration technology development

Organizer: Reinhard Radermacher, USA, Operating Agent of HPT Annex 53


IEA HPT Annex 53 was initiated in late 2018 and focuses on the longer-term RD&D need. Technologies under investigation include the vapor compression (VC) based systems and non-traditional cooling approaches. Advanced VC R&D underway by participant teams includes a combined absorption/VC/thermal storage concept, a large chiller based on water (R-718) as refrigerant, a novel pressure exchange (PX) concept for expansion work recovery, and enhanced source and sink stream matching using zeotropic refrigerants.

About the workshop

The number of cooling systems that are in service by 2050 will greatly increase. It is the goal of HPT Annex 53 to coordinate and share research in advanced cooling technologies that may at some point reduce the resources that go into these systems and their environmental impact. This workshop provides an overview of the latest advances made by the contributing organizations. The workshop will conclude with a discussion on next steps in terms of research and technology development that will facilitate the market introduction of these new concepts.


  • Introduction
  • Brief update presentations about individual projects
  • Discussion with audience: What additional advances are needed or desirable?

WS 1.2 Flexibility in energy grids provided by heat pumps

Organizer: Svend Pedersen, Danish Technological Institute, Operating Agent of HPT Annex 57, ExCo delegate of Denmark and Marion Bakker, RVO, ExCo delegate of the Netherlands


IEA HPT Annex 57 focuses on coming technologies, and the possibilities of heat pumps to increase the flexibility in energy systems with different sources such as PV, wind-power, and biomass and where end users can be consumer or prosumer or both (Multi-Vector). Individual heat pumps, as well as heat pumps in a district or local grid, can increase the flexibility.

About the workshop

The workshop will consist of a presentation session and discussions afterwards. Results from Annex 57 based cases will be presented.

The purpose of the workshop is to give the attendants an input of the flexibility created by heat pumps and the possibilities both for individual heat pumps and largescale heat pumps.

The attendants will after the presentations have possibility for discussion and sharing of their knowledge.


Presentations from at least 3 different presenters.


WS 1.3 Comfort and Climate Box

Organizer: Peter Wagener/Tom van Aalten, the Netherlands, HPT Annex 55



WS 2.1 Decarbonizing process heating with high-temperature heat pumps – How to exploit the potential?

Organizer: Benjamin Zühlsdorf, Danish Technological Institute, Operating Agent of HPT Annex 58


High-temperature heat pumps are having a considerable potential for decarbonizing industrial process heating by electrification and energy efficiency and are therefore a key-technology in the sustainability strategy towards 2030 of various companies. While most of the applications require temperatures above 100 °C, there is only a limited number of suitable technologies available and demonstration cases. There are however various developments, aiming at developing and demonstrating technologies that can provide heat above 100 °C at competitive efficiencies and cost.

About the workshop

In order to exploit the massive potential of high-temperature heat pumps for industrial applications, a variety of stakeholders has to collaborate by:

  • Developing and demonstrating a variety of high-temperature heat pump technologies
  • Mastering the transition from fossil fuel-based heating systems towards heat pump-based heating systems
  • Creating clear and long-term regulatory frameworks supporting energy efficient and electricity-based technologies

This workshop will bring together the key stakeholders from technology suppliers, end-users, policy makers and R&D organizations in order to create a common understanding of the technology potentials and the required actions to exploit the full potential.


  • 09:00 – 09:40: Keynote session

The keynote session will be setting the scene with short, inspirational keynotes on the application potential of HTHPs in industries and the technology status and perspectives.

  • Application potential of HTHPs in industry (15 min)
  • Technology status and perspectives (15 min)
  • 09:40 – 11:25: Group session

During the group session, we will discuss the potentials and challenges associated with high temperature heat pumps, as well as the required actions to exploit the potentials. The topic will be discussed from the perspectives of 4 different stakeholders, namely technology suppliers, end-users, policy makers and R&D organizations to provide a holistic picture of the topic. For each of the four end-users, the following aspects will be addressed:

  • What are the potentials for the respective stakeholder associated with HTHPs?
  • What are the challenges for the respective stakeholder working with HTHPs?
  • What actions should be taken to exploit the potential for the respective stakeholder?
  • 11:25 – 12:00: Summary and plenary discussion

During the plenary discussion, we will summarize the results from the group session and open up for a plenary discussion.


WS 2.2 Acoustic Signatures and Placement Impact of Heat Pumps, interactive augmented reality and psychoacoustics

Organizer: Christoph Reichl, Austrian Institute of Technology, Operating Agent of HPT Annex 51 and HPT Annex 63


The new IEA HPT Annex 63 “Placement Impact on Heat Pump Acoustics” has been set up as a follow up to the recently finalized IEA HPT Annex 51 “Acoustic Signatures of Heat Pumps” conducted by Austria, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, and Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 63 is focusing on the placement impact of Heat Pumps on their surrounding. Noise emissions are a potential threat to further spreading of heat pumps in the years to come. Thus, working on the acceptance of heat pumps by minimizing these adverse environmental impacts while keeping high energy efficiency is of great importance.

About the workshop, purpose and objective

The purpose of the workshop is to greatly increase awareness on the importance of an optimal placement of heat pumps with regards to acoustic emissions both towards the heat pump’s owner and his/her neighbours. Attendees will have the opportunity to test innovative placement tools based on augmented reality on tablets and using immersive augmented reality headsets and report their technology experience. Furthermore a psychoacoustic test setup is made available for the participants to experience and rate different sound samples. The results will be analyzed during the workshop and discussed in a final presentation. Documentation of the technology experiences will make their way into the upcoming IEA HPT Annex 63.


  • Introductory presentations to set the scene
  • Interactive sessions with AR/VR equipment to allow for immersive experience for the participants
  • Psychoacoustic “panel test” using a psychoacoustic awareness test kit
  • Discussion of the results of the psychoacoustic test and the technology experience of the AR/VR tools
  • Brainstorming for enhanced functions and features, getting feedback
  • Wrap up


For more information, please visit the workshop website:



WS 3.1 Heat Pumps in positive energy districts – opportunities, challenges and perspectives

Organizers: Carsten Wemhöner, OST, Switzerland, Operating Agent of HPT Annex 61, together with representatives from EBC Annex 83 and SHC Task 66


Climate protection targets require a fast reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The building sector has large reduction potentials in many countries. Heat pumps are seen as the dominating HVAC system of the future, so the integration of heat pumps in the urban energy systems is an important future task. Positive energy districts are a highly ambitious concepts to promote the urban energy transition. Heat pumps can establish as core technology to reach these high-performance requirements both in building blocks and on the district level.

About the workshop

The Workshop will introduce the work in three IEA projects (IEA HPT Annex 61, EBC Annex 83, SHC Task 66) on high performance buildings and positive energy district concepts to enhance collaboration and promote HP in positive energy districts for the energy transition on the urban level. The objective is to discuss and learn from experiences of the audience with heat pump integration on the building and district level regarding technical and economic opportunities and challenges. Good examples from the IEA projects are presented and further spread of heat pumps in high performance districts is discussed in an interactive panel discussion.


Introduction to IEA projects

  • 9:00 – 9:05: Welcoming and Workshop overview (C. Wemhoener, OST)
  • 9:05 – 9:20: IEA HPT Annex 61 Heat pump in Positive Energy Districts (C. Wemhoener, OST)
  • 9:20 – 9:35: IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts (U. Eicker, Concordia University)
  • 9:35 – 9:50: IEA SHC Task 66 Solar Energy Buildings (L. Oppelt, TU Freiberg)


Outline and interim results of research projects

  • 9.50– 10:30: Short presentations of research projects in the IEA Projects (IEA project attendees)

Coffee break 10:30-10:45

  • 9.45 – 11.00: EU DUT Partnership, Mission Innovation (E. Pasic, Swedish Energy Agency)

State of Positive Energy Districts, Opportunities and challenges for Heat Pumps

  • 11:00 – 11:45: Panel discussion with involvement of the audience (panel, all)

Conclusion and outlook

  • 11:45 – 12:00: Summary, perspectives, Q & A (C. Wemhoener, all)


WS 3.2 Comfort and Climate Box solutions for cooling and dehumidification

Organizer: Kashif Nawaz, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA


The demand for comfort cooling is growing rapidly in many parts of the world and stated policies will not be able to curb electricity use for cooling, which is set to grow threefold according to IEA. Similarly cost effective moisture management (dehumidification) has been noted as an energy-intense process. There are great possibilities to increase the energy efficiency and the share of renewable electricity used for comfort cooling, by combining heat pumping technologies with energy storages and integrated control.

About the workshop

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss and refine the proposal for a new international collaboration project (i.e., Annex) aiming at developing so called “Comfort and Climate Box” solutions for cooling and dehumidification – solutions that are efficient, affordable, applicable and scalable.


  • Introduction: The objective of the annex   (Kashif Nawaz)
  • Why energy storage is important?               (TBD)
  • Overview of challenges and opportunities associated with process integration (Brian Fricke)
  • Discussion sessions                                          (TBD)


WS 3.3 Progress in Heat Pumps with Low GWP Refrigerants

Organizer: Yunho Hwang, University of Maryland, USA, Operating Agent of HPT Annex 54


IEA HPT Annex 54 aims to promote the low-GWP refrigerant application to accelerate the phase-down of high-GWP HFCs through in-depth case studies of component optimization, providing design guidelines and real-world experiences.


About the workshop

This workshop is our series of the biannual workshop organized by the IEA HPT’s Annex 54: Heat Pumps with Low GWP Refrigerants. Our workshop goal is to disseminate our latest progress in Annex 54 activities. This workshop will provide an update on the LC150 project for R290 heat pump development, market data, and safety topics; the low-GWP heat pump research and development activities in Austria; a comparison of four ecologic assessment criteria for heat pump systems; and analysis results on the influence of refrigerant choice and application of shape-optimized air-to-refrigerant heat exchangers on low-GWP refrigerants including propane, R454B, and R32.



  • Introduction: Annex 54 Heat Pumps with Low GWP Refrigerants, Yunho Hwang
  • 150 Project – Update on final results about heat pump development, market data, and safety topics, Thore Oltersdorf
  • Austria’s activities in IEA HPT Annex 54, Christian Köfinger
  • Ecologic Assessment of Heat Pump Systems: Evaluation of the Refrigerant’s Impact, Christoph Höges
  • Shape Optimized Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers for Low-GWP Refrigerants: Dehumidification & Acoustics Considerations, Vikrant Aute



WS 4.1 Investors’ role in different parts of the value chain of heat pumps

Organizers: Monica Axell, Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre (HPT TCP)


To reach the climatic ambitions, investment in clean energy need to more than triple by 2030 in clean electricity generation, energy infrastructure and end-use, such as new clean, efficient equipment and renovation, etc. This will result in an increase in global GDP. According to IEA, the number of heat pumps needs to be tenfold by 2050 and increase by a factor of 3-4 if the Net Zero emission target by 2050 shall be met, which requires extensive investments in the whole value chain of heat pumps. Channeling private investment to the transition to a climate-neutral economy as a complement to public money would accelerate the energy transition. Private investors are “betting” on clean energy technology, with improved security of supply – a future safe investment!

About the workshop

During the workshop, representatives from different stakeholders will share their views on possibilities and barriers related to investments in the value chain of heat pumps- what could spur such investments and what hinders them? During interactive discussions with the audience, we will explore where the most prominent bottlenecks for accelerating the roll-out of heat pumps are and where different types of investors could make a difference, while making a beneficial investment.


  • 9.00-9.15: Introduction, Monica Axell and Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre
  • 9.15-9.30: IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2023 – The importance of private investments for the clean energy transition: Rafael Martinez Gordon, IEA
  • 9.30-9.45 How European policy package support investments in the value chain of heat pumps, Julian Dieler, European Commission
  • 9.45-9.55: How investments can contribute to decarbonize heating by deployment of heat pumps, Nigel Jollands
  • 9.55-10.05: The most prioritized actions from an industry perspective to scale the market, Ryan Dougherty, GeoExchange
  • 10.05-10.30: Interventions by industry – The most critical bottlenecks for continued market growth, where investors can make a difference
    • Daikin, Patrick Crombez
    • Vaillant, Barbara Priesching

10.30-10.45: BREAK

  • 10.45 -11.30: Workshop – group discussions
  • 10.30-11.50: Panel discussion – Investors’ role in different parts of the value chain of heat pumps
    • Martin Forsén, Nibe
    • Patrick Crombez, Daikin
    • Barbara Priesching, Vaillant
    • Rafael Martinez Gordon, IEA
    • Nigel Jollands
  • 10.50-12.00: Summary, Monica Axell and Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre


WS 4.2 The role of public and private funded projects to tenfold the number of heat pumps

Organizers: Monica Axell, Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre (HPT TCP)


One of IEA’s key messages in the report “The Future of Heat Pump”, released in November 2022, is that heat pumps are the key solution to reducing natural gas use for heating, supporting energy security, cutting emissions and keeping energy bills affordable. To reach the climate ambitions of IEA’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 scenario, 50% of the heating needs in buildings should be covered by heat pumps in 2045. This would mean a tenfold increase compared to today and an increase by a factor of 3-4 already in 2030. To reach these ambitions investments in clean energy technologies and infrastructure will be needed, both from the public and the private sector, as well as policies which stimulate the energy transition. Wisely designed public investments, sometimes in combination with private funding, can contribute to removing barriers and spur the transition.

About the workshop

The aim of the workshop is to inspire representatives from the public sector and industry to learn from good examples and to provide an improved understanding of how to optimize public investment and how different types of public (or public/private) funding can make a significant difference depending on the stage of market maturity. During the workshop, representatives from different stakeholders will share information about and experiences from different types of public or public/private investments designed to stimulate an accelerated deployment of clean energy technologies such as heat pumps. These interventions will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives from the public sectors as well as from the industry.


  • 13.00-13.10: Welcome and introduction, Monica Axell and Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre
  • 13.10-13.20: The Future of Heat Pumps – Rafael Martinez Gordon, IEA
  • 13.20-13.30: How the Inflation Reduction Act will contribute to increased investment and scaling of the heat pump sector– Narayanamurthy, Ramachandran, Department of Energy, US
  • 13.30-13.40: Net Zero Industry Act and Heat Pump Action Plan, in EU – Stefan Moser, European Commission, DG Energy
  • 13.40-13.50: How the European Heat Pump Accelerator can contribute to scaling of the heat pump market – Thomas Nowak, European Heat Pump Association
  • 13.50-14.05: The role of utilities and federal/state governments to increase heat pumps deployments in the USA – Amarnath, Ammi [email protected], EPRI
  • 14.05-14.15: The role of public funding when transforming the heating sector, examples from the Netherlands – Marion Bakker/Tom van Aalten, RVO, the Netherlands
  • 14.15-14-25: The importance of public funded demonstration projects to increase use, awareness and acceptance, examples from UK (tbc)– Nicola Lazenby, BEIS, UK
  • 14.25-14.35: Public funding of research and innovation projects an overview of new opportunities, Emina Pasic, Swedish Energy Agency.
  • 14.35-14.55: Panel discussion:
    • Rafael Martinez Gordon, IEA
    • Thomas Nowak, European Heat Pump Association.
    • Stefan Moser, European Commission, DG Energy
    • Narayanamurthy, Ramachandran, Department of Energy, US
    • Nicola Lazenby, BEIS
    • Patrick Crombez, Daikin
    • Barbara Priesching, Vaillant
  • 14.55-15.00 Summary and wrap up of workshop, Monica Axell and Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre