About the conference
Clean, efficient, and reliable energy systems are essential to meeting basic needs for comfortable, secure, and environmentally friendly building environments; food processing, transport, and storage; and industrial processes. Many analysts estimate that it will not be possible to achieve long-term climate, security, and energy goals without increasing the use of renewable heating and cooling hand in hand with large scale refurbishment and renovation of the world’s existing buildings and industrial infrastructure.
A program-at-a-glance is provided below:
Conference theme: Heat Pumps – Resilient and Efficient
Heat Pumps, driven with renewable power sources, are the key technical solution for these challenges.
The upcoming conference will serve as a forum to discuss the latest technologies in heat pumps, and exchange valuable knowledge in market, policy, and standards information on related technologies. Exhibitions will be held at the conference, to share products and technologies.

Conference venue
The conference venue is the Renaissance Chicago Downtown Hotel. Chicago is a vibrant international city with a well-developed cultural infrastructure with a wide variety of museums and theatres along with residential and commercial high-rise buildings in a wide variety of architectural styles. With a wide selection of culinary cuisine, the city is alive in the evening with a wide range of traditional pubs, contemporary cafés, bars, clubs, and restaurants. The O’Hare International Airport receives daily flights from almost all major cities. The conference venue is 28 km from O’Hare with travel time of ~40 min by car depending on traffic or 60 min by light rail.
Who should attend?
- Policy makers, government officials, energy efficiency program leaders
- Executives and representatives from industry, utilities, and the public sector
- Manufacturers, distributors, and technology supporters.
- Designers and developers of heat pump systems and components
- Researchers from industry, utilities, academia, and private and public R&D institutes
- Students.
Conference program highlights
- High level invited speakers for the opening plenary sessions
- High level invited keynote speakers leading each major conference oral technical session
- Poster presentation sessions and oral technical sessions
- Exhibition of equipment and information kiosks
- Technical visits
- Social and sight-seeing program
What to Expect
The Conference starts on Monday with a series of Workshops on international collaborative projects (Annexes) within the IEA HPT TCP and other related topics.
After the main plenary opening sessions on Tuesday morning, the remaining two and one-half days will consist of oral and poster technical sessions running in parallel tracks featuring a number of heat pump related topics including but not limited to the following:
- Residential and Commercial building comfort conditioning, focusing on topics such as: net zero buildings, renovation, hybrids, domestic hot water, multifamily buildings, etc.
- Nonresidential applications, focusing on industrial heat pumps, waste heat, district heating, commercial refrigeration, transport air conditioning and refrigeration, etc.
- Innovation and R&D, focusing on aspects like ground sources, advanced storage systems, working fluids, sorption technologies, advanced vapor compression, non-vapor compression technologies, smart grids/energy, cold and hot climate applications, advanced air conditioning technologies, gas driven heat pumps and combination with other renewable technologies.
- Policy topics and Market status, trends, strategies, and future opportunities