Tour to GTI Energy
Tour to GTI Energy on Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
Meet in lobby 8:15 AM of the Renaissance Hotel for an 8:30 departure. Tour is by Signup Only. The Signup is closed. The tour is full.
Developing heat pump technology is a fundamental aspect of realizing a decarbonized energy future. During this tour, participants will have the opportunity to explore advanced testing facilities and learn about how GTI Energy aids technology manufacturers in bringing emerging technologies to market, with a specific focus on integrated energy systems. GTI Energy is currently conducting various advanced laboratory tests, including cold-climate heat pump testing, natural gas-fired heat pump technologies from multiple manufacturers, integration of solar thermal and PV into heat pump systems, as well as advanced water heating systems that incorporate both absorption and adsorption technologies. This tour will delve into how GTI Energy goes beyond mere rating specifications by providing simulated use testing and advancing technology innovation. Lessons learned will be shared to help inform broader deployment of heat pump technologies in residential, commercial, and industrial applications. A brief overview presentation of GTI Energy’s research will proceed detailed laboratory tours, followed by a lunch prior to returning to the conference hotel.
Signup Form
The Tour is FULL!